Terms and Conditions of Use

Terms and Conditions of Website Use

Thank you for visiting our website. Please read and agree to the following terms and conditions before using our website. By using this website, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions.


Copyrights and Trademarks

The copyright of the contents of this website belongs to TOYOTOMI Co., Ltd. You may download the contents of this website for your personal use, save them on your computer, or print them out, but you may not reproduce them on any other website or in any other medium. You may not use, reproduce, or modify the content of this website without the permission of the copyright holder, except to the extent permitted by other copyright laws. The rights to the trademarks displayed on this website belong to the Company or to the right holders who have authorized the Company to use them. They may not be used without the permission of the right holders.

Linking to this site

Links to this site are free in principle, regardless of whether they are commercial or non-commercial. You do not need to contact us when linking to our website. However, depending on the content of the website or linking method, we may ask you to terminate the link to the website if the content of the website is libelous or defamatory of the Company, other companies, or other organizations, or is intended to cause loss of trust, or if the website infringes or may infringe intellectual property rights such as copyrights and trademarks, property, privacy or portrait rights, or any other rights. TOYOTOMI Co., Ltd. may ask you to terminate the link depending on the content of the website or the method of linking. Unauthorized use of logos, marks, or other registered trademarks owned by us and linking to this website is not permitted.

Handling of Personal Information

When you make an inquiry or submit an application on this website, you will be asked to enter your personal information. The collected personal information is strictly managed to prevent loss, alteration, or leakage of information, and only authorized personnel have access to it. Such information will be used to improve the services provided by TOYOTOMI Co., Ltd. The information will not be disclosed to third parties other than those to which the individual has given his/her consent. However, we may disclose the information if we are requested to do so by an official judicial body or official administrative body through procedures based on laws and regulations.

For details, please refer to our Privacy Policy.


The Company makes no warranty of any kind with respect to this website, and assumes no responsibility for any errors in its content or for any problems that may arise between you and a third party as a result of your use of this website.

We also assume no responsibility for any software or hardware accidents or other damages resulting from the use of this website. Please note that information, file names, etc. on this website are subject to change without notice